FTW Fan Coils
Superior Rex fan coils are the clear choice in the industry. They are designed and engineered for a wide range of applications including: apartments and condominiums, hotels, motels, schools and universities, hospitals and nursing homes. The accessories associated with controlling fan coil units can contribute toward energy savings and offer wireless innovative ways for unit control.

LGO Fan Coils
Superior Rex fan coils are the clear choice in the industry. They are designed and engineered for a wide range of applications including: apartments and condominiums, hotels, motels, schools and universities, hospitals and nursing homes. The accessories associated with controlling fan coil units can contribute toward energy savings and offer wireless innovative ways for unit control.

Blower Coils
Superior Rex horizontal and vertical belt drive blower coils offer a wide range of application flexibility, while maintaining a simple, easy to install unit design. These units are intended to provide comfort cooling and heating within a small footprint. They may be applied in many types of building structures including schools, office buildings, hospitals, condominiums, assisted living facilities, apartments and stores. Applications can be constant or variable volume.

Air Handlers
Small air handlers, sometimes referred to as blower coils, are intended for common areas and large meeting rooms in hotels, condominiums, universities and hospitals. These products are natural companions to Superior Rex fan coils, yet air handlers supply greater airflow and coil capacity. With a wide variety of options and standard features, Superior Rex air handlers provide design flexibility with belt-driven fans, multi-row coil capability and various factory options.